Waxing poetic about the other beekeepers



Meet the hive



In 2019, Howie joined the family, named after my grandfather. As a second neurodivergent member of the household who is also   toddler going on preschooler, his interests vary  from one moment to the next. They currently include cars, being outside, climbing on his "mom mom" (I love the name he gave me), and all things animals. 

When he's not sleeping, he can be  seen zipping around  life leaving  chaos in  his wake and calling everything he loves "Amazing!"




We met back in 2008 and something must have clicked because we are still here today. It's been a wild ride of ups and downs, but I'm lucky to have a husband like this who is an amazing father to our child. Whether it's being the only neurotypical person in a house full of autism, cooking every meal, and generally taking care of us...he does it all and everything in between.

Nick is an associate dean of arts and sciences at a small community college where he teaches history and humanities. Music, wine, and fine dining are a few of his favorite things, which are difficult to enjoy living so remotely. He dabbles in ice climbing and building whatever things I imagine next for the  tiny homestead.





Sherlock Bones

We have always been a three-dog family, so when we knew Rufus was declining, we searched for a new puppy to rescue and add to the family. I met Sherlock Bones through a past photography client who works with dogs and we drove across the state to meet him after she told me how he was when she fostered him with her huge pack. 

We took him home that day and for a year we were a four-dog family. When we got him he was just a tiny unconfident guy and now he's grown into a tiny guy in a big dog body (hence his hashtag). Sometimes we call him Tiny, or Tiny Bones, but most often we call him by his full name of Sherlock Bones. We love his green eyes and fun games. He wakes us up every morning by digging us out of the bed ready to play 'toys.' He is Howie's protector and best friend.


If you're here for the animals, that's ok too



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One of the last outings we had as a family before the COVID-19 pandemic hit was to adopt a new friend. In the span of a year we lost Opal and Rufus, the first dog members of our family. We were used to the pitter patter (okay loud & chaotic) sounds of four dogs running the house. Apparently 1 baby, 2 dogs, and bees weren't enough. 

We added Watson (DOGtor Watson) to our family in February of 2020. He was born to be on a farm, which is probably why our life in a (mostly) tiny  house on a tenth of an acre was a bit of a bore for him. He's so grateful we moved to a couple acres where he can now fully enjoy his life running around. He is Nick's right-hand dog and lives for snuggles. 


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Three dogs is, of course, never enough - which is how Penny spontaneously arrived on the scene. When  you stumble across a dog that is basically Lily's twin, it just seems meant to be. Penny has been part of our family since May of 2021. 

Her personality is bright and mischievous. She started her life with us as one of the most difficult dogs we've ever had to train. She is the most stubborn dog I've ever met. Penny is always on guard worried about keeping our home safe. You might think she's a bit on edge, but when it comes to Howie she will let that kid get away with anything.


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What happens when one day in December of 2023 Nick drives by a house with a sign that says, "Free hound puppies"? Well, you end up with a hound puppy of course. 

Walter is a mix of a german shepherd and a coonhound. He is every bit both parts, although he's not as scary to anyone visiting as I'd like. He's very sweet, playful, and is growing into his hound bark. 


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In 2022 when we moved to our land in Utah we added ducks to our homestead. Our initial duck family was only 5 ducks and we lost 3 our first winter to neighboring dogs. 

Naturally, when we had to replace our beloved ducks we came home with some extras and we're now up to 7. We have a group of ducks where our white peking duck is named Chippy (thank you Howie), and he is a wonderful leader of our duck crew.

We love their quacks every time we walk outside when they beg for snacks. They make the best farm pets.


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In 2020 we added chickens to our homestead. 10 hens are in The Breakfast Club here and with a variety of types we get eggs of all colors, shapes, and sizes. Our ladies are named after a few of our favorite feminists throughout history:

Lizzo, Malala, Kamala (pictured on the right), AOC, RBG (pictured on the left), Michelle, Oprah, Beyonce,  Gloria Steinem, and Betty Friedan.


Lost, but not forgotten
hive members



She's my baby. The first dog. You know how people say that for dog owners sometimes there's just that ONE dog. Of course, you love all your dogs equally, but usually there's one that you bond with in a special way. Opal is that girl for me. I call her my souldog.

Her hobbies include being a little particular with her routine, sleeping and being far away from Lily and Rufus, guarding the house, picking dirt out of her water bowl, eating wheat free (allergies), and in general just being a princess.

In March of 2019 we lost my souldog, but I like to keep her up here marked as the very first dog I ever owned. Plus, after being in the eye of my business on social media for 11 years, she's become an integral part of the story! 




My husband imagined having a dog that he could sit with in a wood paneled library with a scotch and smoking cigars. He found that dog in Rufus. We adopted him when he was 3 and he's in the dementia old man part of life now. Although us girls think he is smelly and has some bad habits, he is very charming and handsome. Rufus' hobbies include finding out ways to break into the pantry, eating trash, breaking into the dog food bin, being grouchy, getting his ears petted (he purs), and laying in sunbeams. 

In February of 2018 we lost our handsome boy, but I keep him up here because I know he's always been an internet favorite and sensation. Plus we really REALLY loved him so much. 




Shortly after we got married Lily became an unforgettable member of our dog pack. What can I say about Lily? She's just her own kind of dog, that's why we call her The Lily. Lily's hobbies include eating hard earned money, hoarding toys, watches, small tools and other trinkets in her special hiding place, hoarding dead moths under the couch for snacks, chasing squirrels, getting love and cuddles, and just loving on everyone and living life in the most excited way possible. 

As Lily entered her more refined years  we called her "Old Lady Lily" even though she was always mentally a six month old puppy. She would most often be found napping buried under blankets in her last days.


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